Work Zone Safe in the news…

  • Oklahoma: Modernizing Teen Driver Work Zone and Move Over Safety (HNTB)

    Leaving their pamphlets behind, Oklahoma has become the first state in the nation to modernize work zone and move over safe training for new teen drivers. Oklahoma now requires completion of a Work Zone and Move Over Safe Course before teens can receive their intermediate driver’s license. LINK

  • The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to drive safely (The Daily Reporter)

    Gov.  proclaimed the week of April 15 as Work Zone Awareness Week in Wisconsin, officials said. For nearly 25 years, National Work Zone Awareness Week marks the start of construction season across the U.S., promoting road worker  and cautious driving in work zones. This year’s national awareness week theme is, ‘work zones are temporary, but actions behind the wheel can last forever,’ officials added. LINK

  • The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is reminding motorists to drive safely (News 9 WAOW)

    The summer construction season is in full swing and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation wants you to drive carefully around work zones.

    Every year, WisDOT, law enforcement and county partners join up to stress the seriousness of being aware when driving in a work zone. WisDOT civil engineer Jacob Klages shared his experience of coming to work and seeing the aftermath of a six-vehicle crash in St. Croix county that killed two people. LINK

  • Oklahoma first in nation to require work zone safety course for teen drivers (Service Oklahoma)

    Oklahoma will become the first state in the nation to require a work zone and first responder safety course for teen drivers. The law, set to take effect Nov. 1, 2023, will require all Oklahoma teens to complete the free online Oklahoma Work Zone Safe Course before applying for their Class D intermediate driver license. LINK

  • ATSSA Chair-Elect Testifies on Safety Challenges to Congress (Roads&Bridges)

    Yesterday, the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) Chair-Elect Haley Normancited ongoing challenges in protecting drivers and roadway workers as she addressed the House Transportation & Infrastructure’s Subcommittee on Highways & Transit.

    Norman, who is co-owner of Direct Traffic Control Inc. in Muskogee, Okla., testified on behalf of ATSSA. She was one of four people who appeared at the hearing entitled, “America Builds: A Review of Programs to Address Roadway Safety.” LINK

  • More than 63,500 Oklahoma teens take part in first year of Work Zone Safe safety course law (OK Dept. of Transportation)

    Oklahoma celebrates the one-year mark since becoming the first state in the nation to require a work zone and first responder safety training course for teen drivers. The law, which took effect Nov. 1, 2023, requires all Oklahomans under 18 to complete the free Oklahoma Work Zone Safe online education course before applying for their intermediate driver license. LINK

  • Work Zone Awareness Week is underway in Wisconsin (News 27- WKOW)

    Gov. Tony Evers and Kristina Boardman, deputy secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, are urging people to drive safe in work zones throughout the state this construction season. 

    They were joined by county and local officials at a press conference Monday to kick off National Work Zone Awareness week. LINK

  • Oklahoma Department of Transportation Program Works to Educate Young Drivers About Work Zone Safety (News 9)

    The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is working to make sure that young drivers stay safe when they encounter work zones on the road. That's why ODOThas been in a partnership with a program called Work Zone Safe.

    Work Zone Safe is a digital program that gives teen drivers roughly 45 minutes of online instruction so that they can be more confident drivers whenever they encounter work zones. Tom Robins is the founder of Work Zone Safe, and he said that he initially founded the program for a variety of reasons. Safety was one of the biggest reasons for starting this program, and it's the top priority for the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. LINK

  • One State Targets Teen Drivers to Reduce Work Zone Deaths (Route Fifty

    To combat a national rise in worker deaths, Oklahoma this fall will require new teen drivers to complete a one-hour course online about work zone safety. It will be the first state in the country to do so.

    The law is intended to deal with a problem many states are wrestling with: a surge in traffic deaths, including in work zones. LINK

  • New Oklahoma Law is First to Require Work Zone Safety for Teen Drivers (Equipment World)

    Oklahoma has become the first state to require a work zone safety course for new teen drivers.

    The law takes effect November 1, requiring the free course offered by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation for those 16 and older who are applying for an intermediate driver’s license, according to the legislation that was passed and signed this year. LINK

  • It gets pretty intense’: Survey of road crews shows dangers in work zones (WTOP News)

    Managers and members of road crews — people used to working outdoors — sit in an office, talking about the close calls they’ve had on the road.

    Michael Veid, with Fay, S&B USA Construction, said that when on a road construction site, “you’re literally 12 feet away from a 75 mile-an-hour missile.”

    Harry Kline, a paving manager for P. Flanigan & Sons, a Baltimore contractor, said he’d experienced days where left the job “shaken up” at the end of the day, because of “out of control” traffic.

    The video, from the Associated General Contractors of America, was released along with a new survey that shows 55% of road crew workers reported vehicles had crashed into their work zones during the past year. In Maryland, of the 24 respondents to the survey, 46% said vehicles collided into their work sites at least three times. LINK

  • Oklahoma now requires teens to complete work zone safety course (The Oklahoman)

    Oklahoma teens hoping to get behind the wheel now have one extra step in obtaining their driver's license, according to a new state law.

    Oklahoma is now the first in the nation to require a work zone safety and first responder safety course for teen drivers with the new law taking effect Nov. 1. Teens must complete the free online course before applying for their intermediate driver's license, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation said in a release.

    Here's what to know about how the new law affects the driver's license process. LINK

  • Oklahoma DOT Commemorates Work Zone Safety Law Progress (Roads&Bridges)

    Last year, Oklahoma became the first state to require a work zone and first responder safety training course for teen drivers.  This week, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (OKDOT) held an event to commemorate the law’s progress.

    Since the law went into effect, more than 63,500 Oklahoma teens have completed the course. The program teaches teens about work zone and first responder safety and introduces them to the faces behind the flags and flashing lights. In total, OKDOT and Oklahoma Turnpike Authority have lost 72 employees combined in the line of duty in both agencies’ history, which is more than any other state agency other than the military, according to a press release. LINK

  • Oklahoma DOT Marks Year-One of Teen Driver Course (AASHTO)

    The Oklahoma Department of Transportation recently celebrated the one-year mark of its mandated work zone and first responder safety training course for teenage drivers.

    That law – which took effect November 1, 2023 – requires all Oklahoman residents under age 18 to complete the free “Work Zone Safe” online education course before applying for their intermediate driver’s license.

    That program – created by Tom Robins for the Oklahoma DOT and in partnership with the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA), Association of Oklahoma General Contractors, Oklahoma Highway Patrol, and the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office – teaches teenagers about work zone and first responder safety. LINK

  • PennDOT, Turnpike develop online class to teach work zone safety to new drivers (Pittsburgh Union Progress)

    To combat an average of 1,400 crashes in Pennsylvania road work zones every year, the state Department of Transportation and the Pennsylvania Turnpike have developed an online course for new drivers.

    The 35-minute video is designed to teach new drivers their responsibilities in a work zone and the challenges they could encounter, such as reduced speed, slow traffic and narrower-than-normal lanes. The class includes a quiz at the end, and getting eight of 10 questions correct entitles the driver to receive a certificate, but passing the course is not a requirement for obtaining a driver’s license. LINK

  • 2024’s Teen Driver Safety Week looks at work zone crashes and deaths for young drivers in PA (Tristate Alert)

    22 October 2024- Today, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PA Turnpike), launched a new, statewide training program to improve new driver safety and roadway worker protection. The launch took place at Carlisle High School to highlight teen driver safety during National Teen Driver Safety Week.

    Pennsylvania’s New Driver Work Zone Safety Program is a training project that uses engaging videos, infographics, knowledge checks, and powerful testimonials to teach new drivers work zone laws, signage and key facts, in addition to offering real-life scenarios to enhance understanding. This new program launched during National Teen Driver Safety Week, an annual observance aimed at educating safe driving among teens, and all new drivers in the commonwealth. LINK

  • PennDOT and PA Turnpike Launch Work Zone Safety Training for New Drivers (ExploreClarion)

    The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation(PennDOT) and the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission have launched a new statewide training program aimed at improving driver safety in work zones, particularly focusing on new drivers.

    The program was unveiled at Carlisle High School during National Teen Driver Safety Week, a time dedicated to raising awareness about safe driving among teens.

    The New Driver Work Zone Safety Program uses videos, infographics, knowledge checks, and testimonials to teach participants about work zone laws, signage, and safety practices. The training includes real-life scenarios to enhance comprehension of these critical topics. LINK

  • Highway work zone week to be observed in Oklahoma (OK Energy Today)

    Two weeks after an 18-year old worker on an Interstate 35 bridge was killed in a work zone accident in northern Oklahoma, the state prepares to observe an annual work zone awareness week April 15-19.

    Entitled Make it Home Safe; Make Oklahoma Safe, the week is observed by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority.

    Drivers can follow a few simple rules of the road such as buckling up, putting away distractions and slowing down inside work zones to help get not only highway workers but all Oklahomans home safe each day.

    “As we move through spring and summer, drivers should expect to see more work zones statewide,” stated both. LINK

  • Wisconsin Introduces Work Zone Safety Website (Roads&Bridges)

    The Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association (WTBA) announced Tuesday the launch of “Work Zone Safe Wisconsin,” a website and guide geared toward student drivers.

    The website,, will teach drivers about the latest laws, modern signage and challenges within Wisconsin work zones, officials said. It will also feature the men and women doing their jobs inside increasingly dangerous work zones, explained Steve Baas, executive director of WTBA.

    “The orange cones and flashing lights may catch your attention momentarily, but it’s the people wearing vests and hard hats – working just feet from your vehicle as you pass by on the highway – whose personal stories can stick with you forever,” Baas said. According to Baas, an uptick of distracted drivers have made work zones more dangerous, and the website was one tool to reverse the trend. LINK

  • New online course teaches work zone driving safety (News 8)

    OSSEO, Wis. (WKBT) -- On Wednesday, the Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association announced their new "Work Zone Safe Wisconsin" program.

    The new free online platform teaches the basics of navigating work zones with a modernized approach, using things like videos and personalized stories.

    Last year alone 9 people were killed, and over 700 were injured in work zone related crashes in Wisconsin. This course is hoping to lower those numbers.

    Steve Baas is the Executive Director of Wisconsin Transportation Builders Association. He hopes this course will prevent distracted drivers in work zones. LINK

  • Work Zone Awareness Week promotes cautious driving in Wisconsin (Wausau Pilot & Review)

    Monday through Friday marks Work Zone Awareness Week in Wisconsin, marking the start of construction season while promoting road worker safety and cautious driving in work zones.

    This year’s national awareness week theme is ‘work zones are temporary, but actions behind the wheel can last forever.’

    The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) reminds motorists of the importance of safe, responsible driving – especially in work zones as the 2024 construction season gets underway. In Wisconsin, work zones include highway construction and rolling maintenance operations as well as emergency response, municipal projects and utility work along local roads. Every year there are typically more than 300 state highway and bridge improvement projects in Wisconsin. LINK

  • Annual Work Zone Awareness Week promotes highway safety (The Monroe Times)

    Gov. Tony Evers has proclaimed next week (April 15-19) as Work Zone Awareness Week in Wisconsin. For nearly 25 years, National Work Zone Awareness Week has marked the start of construction season across our country, promoting road worker safety and cautious driving in work zones. This year’s national awareness week theme is ‘work zones are temporary, but actions behind the wheel can last forever.’

    “Fixing the darn roads to make sure our streets and roads are safe will always be a top priority. We’ve been proud to secure historic investments in our transportation infrastructure and local roads that help ensure we can continue building upon the work we’ve already done to improve over 7,400 miles of roads and 1,780 bridges,” said Gov. Evers. “Each day, our roadside workers put themselves in potentially dangerous situations to make our roads and communities better and safer, and it’s critically important they can stay safe while doing their important work. I’m proud to once again proclaim this week Work Zone Awareness Week to remind drivers that safe drivers create safe work zones.” LINK

  • Help Teen Drivers Safely Navigate Work Zones (ATSSA)

    The ATSS Foundation is partnering with Work Zone Safe to teach teen drivers how to safely navigate roadway work zones.

    The online program is currently only available to teens who live in Oklahoma but could be expanded to other states.

    Learn about the program and how to bring it to your state during a free webinar, “No More Pamphlets! Modernizing Teen Driver Work Zone Safety,” on Aug. 9, 2-3 p.m. ET.  ATSSA members and representatives from departments of transportation DOTs are encouraged to attend. LINK